1. Transparency and access
to public information
In the transparency button you can have access to the information of public interest generated by the Clofán Clinic, in accordance with compliance with Law 1712 of 2014 (Transparency Law).
Entity Information
Physical spaces intended for contact with the Clofan
Mechanisms for citizen care at the Clofán Clinic
Fixed and mobile telephones, toll-free lines and fax, including the national and international callsign
Institutional email: clientservice@clofan.com
References: If you need to request a reference, please fill out the following form REQUEST FOR REFERENCE.
Line: PBX: (604) 4440090 option 4 then 2 (line enabled 24 hours, during non-business hours there is a voicemail) – servicioalcliente@clofan.com
Information about decisions that may affect the public: Policies
Decision making procedures:
physical locationphysical, branches or regional, hours and days of attention tothe public
Hours and days of attention to the public
Email for judicial notifications: accounting@clofan.com and dfinanciera@clofan.com Website information security policies and personal data protection